Tundra Habitat Animals And Plants

The tundra is home to the arctic fox wolverines polar bears northern bog lemmings muskox arctic terns muskoxen and snow buntings.
Tundra habitat animals and plants. Below are some really neat facts about the arctic tundra. One ragbandana or cloth for each student using three different colors for the class Arctic Species cards included Background The arctic is home to plants and animals adapted to take advan-tage of its unique climate. Snow covers the ground for nine months of the year when plants cannot grow.
Arctic tundra animals and plants. However the further you go up a mountain the less diverse it gets. A complex community of plants and animals in a region and a climate is called a biome.
The tundra is a cold habitat. A mountains habitat is unlike any other. During the summer the days receive 24 hours of sun.
Animals in the tundra are also adapted to extreme conditions and they take advantage of the temporary explosion of plant and insect life in the short growing season. For most of the year the tundra biome is a cold frozen landscape. Due to the large number of small rodents and mammals predators such as arctic foxes and snowy owls also inhabit the tundra.
Home to animals including Arctic foxes Vulpes lagopus polar bears Ursus maritimus gray wolves Canis lupus caribou Rangifer tarandus snow geese Anser caerulescens and musk oxen Ovibos moschatus the Arctic tundra is changing in broad and somewhat unpredictable ways as global average temperatures rise. Tundra Biome Animals List. Some common plants include the bearberry arctic moss caribou moss diamond leaf willow labrador tea pasque flower and the tufted saxifrage.
Habitats for Plants and Animals. The prominent plants include varieties of mosses lichens sedges perennial grasses and cushion plants. The tundra is a terrestrial biome that is characterized by extreme cold low biological diversity long winters brief growing seasons and limited drainage.