Polar Tundra Animals And Plants

The Labrador Tea is a plant that mostly grows in the Southern part of the Tundra and there can grow up to about 5 feet but in the northern Tundra when they are found they stay close to the ground and uneaten by most animals because they can be poisonous if eaten even though they are rich in Vitamin C.
Polar tundra animals and plants. Since most of the polar biome is located above the arctic circle where there is no land plant life is nearly non existent in this biome. This may be a teacher-directed or independent activity depending on grade level. Few other plants can survive.
A wide variety of plant species mainly sedges grasses and flowering plants form the vegetation of the tundra. Without these plants food sources are killed for some animals and they will start to die off. This results in an unbalance in the food chain killing off more animals in the environment.
Pines are an autotrophic plant and are producers for animals in food chains. Despite its cold temperatures there are many animals who live in the polar biome 3. In North America the descriptive term Barren Grounds is frequently.
Cetacea mammals that are divided into two broad groups toothed and baleen. Some animals stay all year round others migrate to warmer places for the winter. These amazing polar bears live in this Tundra biome.
Tundra Animals and plants. Lemmings musk oxen arctic foxes and wolves. Many plants are in their dwarf smaller forms compared to their growth forms in warmer climates.
The Tundras Animals and Plants. Bears Polar Bears diets consist mainly of seals. Animals in the tundra are also adapted to extreme conditions and they take advantage of the temporary explosion of plant and insect life in the short growing season.