Pics Of The Ugliest Animals In The World

Each ugly animal listed below is shown with a photo for proof and ranked in no particular order.
Pics of the ugliest animals in the world. Why the long face. It lives in the deep lightless bottom of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans and has a huge head with crescent-shaped mouths complete with plenty of sharp translucent teeth. Many creatures appear to be weird odd and even have an ugly look that would probably kill you while looking at them.
The Mata Mata is found in South America and regardless of its great skill as a hunter this ugly turtle isnt exactly thriving in the wild. Baby hyena definitely have a cute-factor to them but it does not take long for them to grow up and lose that appeal. In the wild the blobfish feeds by opening its mouth floating and simply swallowing edible matter like crabs and sea pens that float nearby.
8 of 24. Just scroll down to see all ugliest animals decide which one are you going to keep. Aggressive looking with a strange profile and famously eerie vocals the hyena easily fits into this list of misfits and ugly animals from Africa.
The Oriental Yeti 3. The ugliest fish are worthy of their own post. Nature you scary.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Flickr CC BY-ND 20 Latin name. The Naked Mole Rat. Nature can be scary sometimes.
These 13 ugly animals are the curdled cream of the crop. The worlds ugliest animals - in pictures. The Blobfish doesnt have much to smile about - the grumpy looking ocean creature won a public vote to become the official mascot of.