Orange Cat Names From Movies

Oliver ginger cat from Disneys film Oliver.
Orange cat names from movies. A laid-back ponderous yellow cat who likes eating but whose actual name isnt known. Taken from the Disney film Finding Nemo. Jade Catkin is Roxies roommate who is a gothic bombay cat.
Famous orange cats like Garfield the lasagna-loving kitty from Jim Davis comic strip might make us think that these bright color patterns are fairly common within our feline friends. Jones or Jonesy is a cat with orange fur who serves as mascot aboard the Nostromo. Lewiss The Chronicles of Narnia series Mario.
The Patsy Award is given out by the American Humane Associations Hollywood branch and stands for Picture Animal Top Star of the Year. Of course if you cannot work out what character your orange cat has you can use some of the funny cat names or atypical ginger cat names like Orange Juice Carrot Tabasco or Ginger. Jack Oggy and The Cockroaches.
For male cats we have a great variety that move from unique orange cat names to famous orange cat names. Spread the fuzzy friskiness with cat-like reflexes. Orange hair is synonymous with Celts and particularly the Irish therefore a great name for an orange cat might be Flynn or Rory.
The list below are all boy names that are all inspired by Disney. Van Gogh who was a redhead W. Best Male Orange Tabby Cat Names.
He is an orange tabby cat who also appeared in another TV Series four years later. If your cat is your partner in adventure then Hobbes is a perfect orange cat name. This adorable future king who has admiration for his father is the protagonist of the movie The Lion King.