Do Animals Have Souls Baptist

In many passages God shows compassion for the beast or bird whether by the law or other means.
Do animals have souls baptist. Ive read some of the OT and quite a bit of the NT but maybe Im just not reading the parts that say this. If they do have a soul that survives death it is different from mans. The most common translations of this word are life and soul.
The Word of God lets us know that animals have a soul but not a spirit. It stands to reason though that once men enter the Kingdom of Heaven they will be one with God and will no longer be lonely and in need of mortal companionship. Though they do not have eternal souls they are part of Gods creation and they give Him His due worship.
Nephesh is used 757 times in the Old Testament. Some people believe that animals simply disintegrate. No animal has the divine spark that makes humans seek the transcendent in life.
Animals certainly have emotions can feel pain and happiness can even understand human communication sometimesbut that doesnt mean they have souls or what we normally think of as the human spirit. Nevertheless any human being with common sense knows that animal souls are different than plant souls and both are different than human souls. If you are defining the soul as we did above as the place where your emotions flow out of where you think reason and make decisions then absolutely animals have souls.
In fact in 1990 Pope John Paul II said the animals possess a soul and men must. Do Animals Have Souls Baptist. The concept that animals have souls spirits astral bodies or something other-dimensional implies that one believes that physical death is not the end of their lives.
At-Tadhkirah by al-Qurtubi p. The dust from the ground and the breath of life. In Psalm 104 we read that animals look to God for their food and that when he withdraws his spirit they return to the dust.