Collective Nouns For Animals And Birds

A bevyA coveyA drift of quails.
Collective nouns for animals and birds. Roosting in large numbers A dissimulation of birds. List of Collective Nouns for Animals. A rabble of rats.
Blackbirds - a cloud of blackbirds. A string of ponies. A COLONY of ants.
A nest of rabbits A cloud. A herd of deer. If you know of any other collective nouns or indeed have a new idea for a collective noun join in using the comments below.
Such a colourful pandemonium of parrots. Bitterns - a pretence of bitterns. The collective noun for piglets is a litter also a passel of piglets or a farrow of piglets.
List Of Collective Nouns For Animal And Birds. A SHREWDNESS of apes. A bazaar of guillemots.
Collective nouns are in a. An ARMY of ants. A FLANGE of baboons.